Friday 3 February 2017

Herons eat fish and frogs. Don't they?

I was photographing a family of warthogs at the busy waterhole of the Voi Wildlife Lodge in Southern Kenya last year when my attention, and my lens, was diverted by this swallow landing on the muddy bank. The bird had clearly been injured in some way, though I did not see how, and was flapping about, trying desperately to take off.

I was not the only one to notice it. One of the many great blue herons fishing in the shallow waters had seen it too and strode menacingly over to investigate.

I assumed that herons hunted for fish and the occasional frog or toad but it was clear that this heron was willing to try a more varied diet.

The bird grabbed the swallow in its sharp beak, dunked the hapless bird briefly in the water and, with only a little trouble because of the bird's size, swallowed it whole!

With a flick of its wings the heron strode off, looking very pleased with itself and carried on fishing.

For life in the African bush, a small slip can see you being rapidly recycled!