Tuesday 28 October 2014

National Geographic 'Thrilling Trails'

I am very grateful to National Geographic for using this shot to illustrate the lead article in its 'Thrilling Hikes' series. The Besseggen Ridge walk was one of the highlights of our trip to Norway in August 2013 and I have to agree with NG author Doug Schnitzpahn that it 'serves up one of the most stunning views on the planet'.

I was lucky to get this image at all, as we were descending through thick cloud shrouding the high point of the walk just minutes earlier. You can see that the cloud base is just above our heads at this point but the sun has just broken through to throw patches of light onto the lake and the distant peaks of the Jotunheimen mountains.

The walk traverses a narrow ridge that separates lakes Gjende to the left of the photograph and Bessvatnet to the right. What is not so obvious is the 600 vertical metres that also separates the lakes! The waters of Gjende are fed by the meltwaters of the Memurubu glacier, which contain microscopic particles that give the lake its milky, turquoise hue, contrasting with the inky clarity of the higher lake.

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